About Us
Company Overview
Through the combination of both state of the art equipment and a committed and motivated workforce, Federal Screw Works continues to meet our customers need for a technically proficient and world class source for cold formed and machined parts. Federal Screw Works products are produced to customer specifications, many requiring multiple value added operations. Our four IATF-16949 and ISO-14001 certified locations all implement the techniques of lean and synchronous manufacturing that are highly mistake proofed.
Our Committed Workforce
Many of our employees have spent the majority of their careers working for Federal Screw Works. Opportunities for advancement, for both individuals and the company as a whole, come from within this valuable group of Federal Screw Works employees. Without question, our single most valuable asset is one that cannot be purchased.
Company History
Federal Screw Works was formed in 1917 as a domestic manufacturer of industrial component parts. For over ninety years, the company has served the automobile industry with products such as locknuts, bolts, piston pins, studs, bushings, shafts and other machined, cold formed, hardened and/or ground metal parts.
The Company’s products are manufactured at several Michigan locations and are fabricated from metal rod and bar. Production is in high-volume job lots to the specification of original equipment manufacturers and sold to them for incorporation into their assemblies. The majority of these sales are to manufacturers of automobiles and trucks, with the balance being mainly to manufacturers of nonautomotive durable goods.
All Federal Screw Works production facilities are IATF 16949 and ISO 14001 certified, but that is just the start of the quality system management and philosophy. Federal Screw Works, as a supplier of critical components, utilizes a quality philosophy designed to provide zero defects.
As a supplier of complex components that have many value added operations and functional requirements, Federal Screw Works maintains testing facilities necessary to develop the processes and insure the accuracy of the results. All of our testing facilities are compliant with the requirements of certified labs.
In addition to developing robust processes and the means to verify and control them, Federal Screw Works uses every opportunity to implement mistake-proofing and source inspection devices. These important components of the Toyota production system are reviewed during each advanced quality plan and process development.
Download Certifications
All Federal Screw Works production facilities are IATF 16949 and ISO 14001 certified, but that is just the start of the quality system management and philosophy. Federal Screw Works, as a supplier of critical components, utilizes a quality philosophy designed to provide zero defects.